photoFeminists for Animal Rights (“FAR”) was founded in California in 1981 and became a nationwide organization in the following years, remaining active well into the 21st century.

FAR's major focus from its inception was on consciousness-raising-- in the feminist community, in the animal advocacy movement, and among the general public. FAR sought to shine light on the connections between the treatment of women and animals under patriarchy. FAR also worked to raise consciousness about the links between social injustices and the degradation and destruction of nature and the earth.

FAR spread its message in many different ways. For years it published a journal for its members and others. It provided speakers at community and university forums. It produced a slide show that was given throughout the country and abroad. FAR also participated, through its members, in demonstrations.

FAR was not, however, just an organization with members and a mission. It was a network of women striving to live cruelty-free lives. They were committed to promoting veganism because they believed in the feminist precept that the personal is political. They knew that it was not enough to claim an abstract respect for animals; they knew they must embody that respect in their daily lives. These women advocated veganism because they thought it was desirable to work towards the elimination of all products derived from or tested on animals--in our food, clothing, household and other products and supplements.

We welcome you to explore this website to learn more about the interconnections between the exploitation of women and animals and how you can help bring about a more caring society for all. 

Raven and Crow